Here in the North the nights are stretching longer and longer, the temperatures are finally dropping and I’m certainly feeling the tug to favor silence, rest & digest and go more inward. How about you?
Silence, stillness, resting and the permission to prioritize these experience as necessary and crucial to navigating life here in the early days of the 21st Century is a practice I’m intentionally weaving into the fallow season at hand. It’s time - seasonally, collectively & personally.
Here and now though - it is time for a story! Thank you for arriving here to listen.
I’ve been adventuring and traveling…and now it is really good to be at home. My companion the past month as been the Sumerian myth of Inanna - the Queen of Heaven & Earth and her sister, Ereshkigal - the Queen of the Underworld. While away, good fortune led me to collaborate with fellow teller and wise one, Jackie Singer and a truly remarkable group of brave & magical women where we played in the belly of this ancient story in a day long women's retreat - OPEN YOUR EAR TO THE GREAT BELOW. What a rich experience for us all.
So it's no wonder that this story is wanting to be told here as we descend into the deep dark side of the year. It is a resurrection story - of dead & rebirth, predating all Christian mythologies and I highly suggest reading - Inanna Queen of Heaven by Diane Wolkstein. for more context
To me this ancient myth is a story of the heart of courage, of the ebbing & flowing of life, of empathic allies & alchemy. It is certainly apt for the season and for our time.
Enjoy and thank you for your presence here and with this story!
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